Opalverse Wiki

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Welcome to Opalverse, a personal encyclopedia of my fantasy setting for my novels Other Lost Things and All the Little Pieces. Created in 2019, this is a sort of medium fantasy—a non-Earth world with magical powers to harness and unique cultures to explore, but one with (so far) little in the ways of fantastical animals, non-human races, or other hallmarks of high fantasy.

On that note, I am not the next Tolkein. My writing philosophy is character-first, meaning that I am most concerned with the parts of the world that directly affects my characters, and hardly at all with the rest. You may think of this wiki as more akin to a (well-traveled) person's journal, as opposed to a history textbook, though with time I am exploring further corners and new stories.

Article Spotlight

Some new additions, old favorites, and/or cornerstones of the world.

  • Skalian - An article about my most-developed conlang, spoken in the country of Skalmere.
  • A Meta History - The story of how this world came to be and some major points in its evolution, plus an explanation of some of my thought process.

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