Swiftpaw's Chance: Chapter 12

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“All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather here beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!” Firestar’s yowl rings across the camp for the second time in a day.

Dogscar lifts his head, fighting to keep the grin from his face as Cloudtail glances curiously over at him. He and Brightpaw had decided to keep their renaming a little surprise, even from him.

The sun is setting, painting the sky a fiery red. Dogscar smiles up at it. Red skies at night...that’s a good omen. Maybe a sign he can be a proper warrior, after all.

To Dogscar’s surprise, the thought doesn’t fill him with the same hope and excitement that it used to.

He shakes it away as he, Cloudtail, and Brightpaw move to sit amongst the crowd. Brightpaw catches his eye and grins as big as he’s ever seen her. She looks so happy. She’s the most beautiful thing, beaming like this.

“What are you so happy about? Do you know something I don’t?” Cloudtail asks, but when Dogscar looks at him his eyes are soft, and he’s looking at Brightpaw exactly the same way.

“Just wait,” Dogscar tells him, and Firestar begins to speak.

“There is one more ceremony to perform today,” he says, looking directly at Dogscar and Brightpaw. “Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name. I ask you now to take away the name of the cats you see before you, for it no longer stands for what they are.”

Cloudtail turns to look at them both. “A renaming?” he asks, half breathless. His eyes are shining.

Dogscar’s jaw aches with the force of smiling. He’s been waiting so long for this day.

“By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give these cats their new names. Dogscar, Lostface, come forward.”

Dogscar’s smile dims slightly at Brightpaw’s warrior name, but she’s already bounding ahead of him to sit in the open circle at the front of the Clan. He follows a step behind and joins her in staring up at Firestar.

“Lostface. From this moment on you will be know as Brightheart, for though your body has been gravely injured, we honor your brave spirit and the light that shines on within you.”

Brightpaw—Bright heart —makes a choked sound, and Dogscar looks over to see her eyes brimming with tears. For half a moment he thinks she’s somehow upset, before she whispers an almost inaudible, “ Thank you .”

There’s a brief moment of silence where Brightheart composes herself, and Firestar dips his head to her. Then he turns to Dogscar.

“Dogscar. From this moment on you shall be known as Swiftscar, for though you bear the marks of your mistakes, they will never define you. We honor your bravery and inner strength.”

Dogscar— Swiftscar, Swiftscar, Swiftscar —finds himself, very suddenly, on the verge of tears like Brightheart. He ducks his head to avoid the eyes of his Clanmates, and tries to whisper his thanks as well, but nothing comes out of his mouth around the lump in his throat. He looks up again just as Firestar dios his head again, and raises his tail to lead the Clan in cheering their new names.

“Brightheart! Swiftscar! Brightheart! Swiftscar! Brightheart! Swiftscar!

Cloudtail is cheering loudest of all.

Dogscar almost has to close his eyes, but instead he looks at the sky as his Clanmates’ voices hurl themselves against the stars blinking into existence. StarClan, come to see their ceremony.

It’s everything Swiftscar ever wanted. His Clan cheering for him, knowing he succeeded, he made it, he is one of them.

Brightheart presses against his side and whispers, “We did it, Swiftscar. We made it.”

Under the stars, Swiftscar finally cries, because yes. Yes they did.


The warriors vigil is one of the best and worst things Swiftscar has ever had to do. The best, because it’s a clear, cool night and Brightheart is pressed lightly against him and they’re both still riding the high of finally, finally getting what they wanted after so long. The worst, because really, staying up all night and trying to guard the camp and not even being able to talk about how amazing it is? It’s not exactly fun.

A bit after moonhigh they both start to slump, and while they won’t break their vows of silence they do play, a little bit. Brightheart nudges him and he pushes at her shoulder with one paw. She grins and shoves both her forepaws against his side, nearly unbalancing him, and he bites playfully at her ear—the night they become warriors, and they’re kits again.

The sound of their stifled laughter is loud in the near-silent forest, and when Brightheart lands on the ground after a particularly hard shove, her eyes widen at something behind Swiftscar.

He whirls, instantly thinking threat , but it’s just Whitestorm.

“I’m trying to decide if I should scold you two for this or just be glad you’re having fun,” he tells them, one thick eyebrow raised.

Swiftscar opens his mouth to respond and quickly snaps it shut, opting to shake his head instead. Brightheart hops back to her feet and gives Whitestorm her best pleading look. The deputy smiles at them.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought. Better than finding the two of you asleep, at any rate. Just keep an eye out, yeah?”

They both nod furiously as Whitestorm ducks his head in a goodnight. The pair of them stand there like that for a moment until the sound of his pawsteps fades, then Brightheart tackles Swiftscar from behind. He growls playfully at her, spinning and knocking into her with his shoulder, which turns into a shoving match to see who falls over first.

(It’s Swiftscar, that time, though he doesn’t stay down long.)

At some point when they both take a break to look at the sky, Swiftscar nods toward the moon—nearly full. There’ll be a Gathering soon.

When the sky starts to lighten it finally seems to hit them that they’ve been awake an entire day, and their shoves turn into leaning on one another, coupled with gentle pokes to keep them awake. Swiftscar watches the stars slowly wink away until someone touches his shoulder gently with their nose.

He flinches a bit, and tells himself it’s because he’s tired. Brightheart curls her tail around him briefly, soothing, and Swiftscar stands up.

“Sorry,” Cloudtail whispers, “Just trying to get your attention. Your vigil’s over, officially, so welcome back to talking.”

Swiftscar smiles. “Hey.” His voice is throaty and rough from not being used for a while.

“I am ready for a very long nap,” Brightheart says, stretching.

“Go on, then. I volunteered for dawn patrol so I could be the one to get you two,” Cloudtail makes a face. “Appreciate my noble sacrifice.”

Swiftscar scoffs. “Okay, sure, your noble sacrifice.”

Cloudtail swats him with his tail as he trots off, and he and Brightheart trudge into the warriors den. Half of its inhabitants are still sleeping, and the rest are in camp, so there’s no one to see Swiftscar and Brightheart flop down together in a nest and curl up to sleep.

“Hey, Swiftscar,” Brightheart whispers.

He’s already closed his eyes, and frowns without opening them. “What.”

“Do you think we’ll get to go to this moon’s Gathering?”


“Are you scared?”

He opens one eye to look at her. “Why?”

“It’s just...” Brightheart turns her face away. “This is our first one since the attack.”

Oh. “You’re worried of what they’ll think of you?”

Brightheart makes a tiny sound into his fur that he supposes is a yes. “Well, Cloudtail and I’ll be right there with you the whole time, and we’ll claw anyone who even looks at you funny.”

“Swiftscar, you can’t start a fight at a Gathering just because someone’s not nice to me!” Brightheart says, pulling back to stare at him.

“I can, and I will. Now shh, go to sleep.”

Brightheart pokes him. “Swiftscar, do not start a fight over me! Promise me you won’t.”

He shifts away from her and closes his eyes. “I can’t hear you, I’m sleeping.”

“Shut up,” Brightheart says, but she’s laughing.

“I thought you wanted me to say something?”

She flops down on top of him. “You’re impossible. I’m going to sleep.”

Swiftscar smiles as he drifts off.


As Brightheart predicted, they both get to go to the Gathering. Cloudtail goes as well, along with Thornclaw, Mousefur, and Longtail.

They leave camp at sunset, and Swiftscar bounds ahead to walk next to Longtail. He’s more excited than he’s been in a long while to get to the Gathering—he hasn’t been in moons , long before the dog attack.

“Hey, Swiftscar,” Longtail says, and Swiftscar can’t help but beam a little. Every cat says his name differently now, happier, maybe. He likes it. “Ready for the Gathering?”

“Yeah!” Swiftscar says, and then ducks his head to curb his own enthusiasm. “It’s been a while, I mean.”

“Yes, it has.” Longtail glances over his shoulder. “What are you doing up here with me, anyway? I thought you’d be back with Cloudtail and Brightheart.”

Swiftscar looks back at them. “I’m not with them that much.”

Longtail purrs a laugh. “You three all but share a nest in the warriors den. I’m not blind, Swiftscar.”

He can’t say anything to that, so when Longtail nudges him gently Swiftscar turns around to trot next to them again. Cloudtail bumps against him and, just for a moment, their tails brush and curl together. Swiftscar whips his away quickly and ducks his head, his pelt burning.

Brightpaw, on Cloudtail’s other side, says, “Hey, Swiftscar, you remember what I said about not starting a Clan war in my honor tonight?”

“We’re starting a Clan war in Brightheart’s honor?” Cloudtail asks Swiftscar, his eyes bright.

Swiftscar grins. “Definitely. Brightheart, I don’t remember that conversation, I think I was asleep.”

She shoves into Cloudtail so hard he knocks against Swiftscar. “Quit it. I’m serious, okay? I...yeah, it’ll suck if other cats stare, or whatever, but I’ll live, alright? It doesn’t matter what they think about me. I know you two still...well. You know.”

Swiftscar dropped back behind Cloudtail and came up on Brightheart’s other side.

“We think you’re beautiful , Brightheart,” he says. “Your scars just show how strong you are, what you’ve fought against.”

“We want everyone else to see that, too. So if it takes some claws to make them? We’re happy to provide,” Cloudtail adds.

Brightheart shakes her head. “Thank you. But you can’t. We just got over the fight with the dogs, and you know Tigerstar would take any opportunity to fight with us again, so you can’t. Gatherings are supposed to be peaceful.”

Cloudtail tips his head. “Can we fight cats from the other Clans, then?”

No ,” Brightheart says, half a laugh and half a snap.

“What about patrols?” Swiftscar asks.

Brightheart considers this. “Fine, only if they attack first. But be careful, okay? I don’t want you getting hurt.”

Swiftscar bumps her shoulder gently. “Don’t worry. We can take care of ourselves.”

She turns a worried eye on him. “Can you?”

Swiftscar falters and Cloudtail pipes up. “I’ll watch his back, Bright.”

“And I’ll watch yours!” Swiftscar tells him, and Brightheart shoves against both of them.

Really , though. Promise me?” she asks, abruptly serious.

Swiftscar licks her cheek, watches Cloudtail lightly butt his head into hers. “Of course.”

“Promise,” Cloudtail adds.

Brightheart seems satisfied with that, and while Swiftscar is still looking at her, her eye widens and she gasps. His head snaps ahead and he stops for a second, stumbling over his paws.


Other cats are there already, WindClan, judging by the tall, black and white figure sitting at the base of the Great Rock. Swiftscar hesitates for a moment at the top of the hill before he joins the rest of his Clan in streaming down to the clearing. Firestar trots up to Tallstar and the WindClan deputy—Swiftscar squints, trying to remember his name. Something-foot, for that twisted paw. Hopfoot maybe? He shakes his head and follows Cloudtail over to some of the WindClan warriors.

“Hello Mudclaw, Webfoot, Onewhisker,” he says, dipping his head to the cats. “These are my friends, Brightheart and Swiftscar.”

Swiftscar narrows his eyes as the cats all look at him and Brightheart. Onewhisker fixes awkwardly on Brightheart’s scar before he dips his head in greeting. “Hello. I remember the two of you, from many moons ago when you were first apprentices.”

Brightheart smiles. “It was a long apprenticeship.”

“No doubt from whatever happened to give you that scar,” Webfoot says. “And you, Swiftscar. Must’ve been a big fight.”

“Pity,” Mudclaw grunts. “Don’t remember her, but she must’ve been pretty, before.”

Brightheart stiffens. Swiftscar bares his teeth, but Cloudtail steps forward first.

“What did you say?”

Mudclaw shrugs, rolling back to scratch at his ear. “Nothing, I’m just saying. Going to be awfully hard getting a mate when you look like that . No offense, but that eye , I can’t even look at it.”

Brightheart breathes in, shaky and wet, and Swiftscar sees red. He forgets everything they just discussed, any promise he made, every rational thought vanishing into pure rage. How dare this WindClan cat, talking to Brightheart like she isn’t right there ? Like she doesn’t know, doesn’t have feelings, couldn’t possibly be hurt by him blatantly saying he can’t stand to look at her.

He lunges forward, watching Mudclaw’s eyes widen in surprise before he crashes into his chest, landing him on his back. Mudclaw’s hind legs brace against his belly, claws unsheathed, a warning. Neither of them moves, Swiftscar snarling in the WindClan warrior’s face.

Cloudtail’s body presses against Swiftscar’s. “Don’t even think about moving, snake, or your kits’ kits will be able to feel what happens.”

Mudclaw growls, wordlessly, but doesn’t argue.

“What’s going on here?” Tallstar asks.

Swiftscar looks up at him, but doesn’t get off of Mudclaw, not yet. “Your warrior needs to learn some manners, that's what's going on.”

“Swiftscar, that’s enough. Stand down,” Firestar orders.

He hesitates another second, eyes sliding back to Mudclaw. They didn’t even have a proper fight , what sort of punishment is that?

“Swiftscar,” Brightpaw says, voice thin, “please?”

With a final growl, he stands down. Mudclaw scrambles back to his paws with a snarl, backing a few paces away.

“He just attacked me!” he spits, looking to his leader. “For no reason! At a Gathering!”

“I’d say he deserved it, Tallstar. If he wasn’t WindClan I’d have given him a bit of a clawing myself. Nearly did, as it was,” Onewhisker puts in. Webfoot nods his agreement.

Tallstar frowns. “And why is that?”

“He was...a bit rude to me,” Brightheart says softly. Tallstar looks to her, and to his credit, his face flickers once with surprise before it clears.

Cloudtail makes a sound like a half growl, half snort. “That’s an understatement. He said...what was it? That it was a pity, because she could have been pretty , before. If she didn't have the scars. He said no cat would want to be her mate, that he couldn’t stand to look at her.”

“Like it matters, if she’s pretty—she’s beautiful, by the way, the most beautiful thing in the forest—instead of, of her skills, or her heart, or the fact that she’s a survivor,” Swiftscar spits.

Tallstar nods. “I see. While I don’t condone violence at a Gathering-“

“Neither do I,” Firestar puts in.

“-I can understand defending a Clanmate, and Mudclaw’s behavior will not go unpunished.” Tallstar finishes. “For the time being, I suggest you three sit away from Mudclaw, to prevent any other...incidents.”

Reluctantly, Swiftscar nods, and he and Cloudtail begin to pad away, Brightheart firmly between them.

“Wait a minute,” Onewhisker says, and then he trots around in front of them.

“I just wanted to make sure you knew, I don’t agree with Mudclaw. At all. And I wanted to express my condolences, about Bluestar. Tornear said he met Firestar and Cinderpelt on their way to the Moonstone.”

“Thank you,” Swiftscar says, and it almost isn’t awkward.

Brightheart makes a small sound, and they all follow her gaze to the top of the clearing. Two cats stand at the head of what looks like an entire Clan, not just a few selected warriors. In the dim light, Swiftscar sees one of the cats is golden-spotted—Leopardstar. That would make the cat next to her her deputy, Mistyfoot. Bluestar’s daughter.

Then the figure steps into a patch of moonlight, and it’s Tigerstar. The two leaders race into Fourtrees together, RiverClan and ShadowClan cats in one mingled mass behind them. Two Clans have never arrived together before. Not mixed together like that, like-

“It’s like they’re one Clan,” Cloudtail whispers. “What does that mean?”

As Swiftscar turns to watch Tigerstar leap onto the Great Rock, eyeing the way the dark warrior smirks down at them all, his eyes glinting, and he thinks it can mean nothing good.

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Swiftpaw's Chance: Chapter 12

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